Sunday, December 4, 2011

It's what you make of it!

 Geocaching is a really simple hobby to get into, and one more complex as you get involved.  There is no end to the fun that you can run into or that you can create for others along the way! 

I go to some smaller towns that only have a single cache or maybe two and I am always thinking on how I can create an adventure for others in that area, or for the ones that are driving the back roads with their kids. 

I know from personal experience that my children love to find the tradeable geocache!  I am going to be developing over the next few weeks a kid friendly series of geocache, designed with kids totally in mind.  On trips when kids a cooped up in the car and looking for the door, I want to make the pit stop the thing to do!
My Own children love to get out of the car especially if there is an ammo can with trades in it. 

I have found a lot of people more recently that are getting their kids involved in geocaching, and find that to be great news!!  GET THOSE KIDS OFF OF THE COUCH!!!!   Video game have been key in desensitising our children for many years now!  When I was a kid, we had to play outside and play with friends.   there was no Nintendo, Play stations or XBOX 360 for us, we had imaginations.  I love the thought that a parent takes their kids out to go geocaching!  It promotes family time, and makes memories that can not be bought!

One of my favorite jobs in the world is being a dad, and trying to find new things to do with my kids, for example along side of Geocaching, try out the "Road side America!"  (  They get you off of the interstates and put you on the memorable trips with your family.  Life is all about how fast you can do things now, and it should be that it is more about what we remember and teach.  I learned a lot from my family, and now I share what I took in back then. 

Take the time to take your family and take pictures!  What an experience you can share!  Next time that you go geocaching, thinks about the kids!  Try to build some creative geocache for the kids entertainment!  Kids are our future and we should make every effort to return to the basics with them, by getting them outside and showing them the world is bigger than the little section that we live in.

Geocache often my friends, take a friend and introduce them to geocaching, you will make memories that can't be erased!  GOD bless until next time!

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