Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Lost Geocahce!

Loving the sport of Geocaching like I do, I really get disappointed when I make it to the location where a geocache used to be, only to discover that it is gone.  I hate to look back over a few logs to see that it has been gone for a while too.

I remember reading the rules of the hide for the first time and seeing that this is a long term commitment between me and my geocache!  I try to think ahead, and make plans for a "surrogate" parent for my "away" geocache.  If I am not going to be there to take care of them, I try to find someone that can.  I don't ever want to get to the point that I have several entries over a period of time that tell me that something is wrong with my geocache, or that it is missing.  That would be an embarrassment to me and to the sport! 

If you take the time to make the hide, take the time to maintain it!  If it happens to be one that is away from home, find someone that will take care of it for you!  I am giving a blanket offer to anyone that hides one near me in the Missouri Bootheel, if you can't maintain it, let me know and I will adopt your hide! 

The fun is also finding the location, but I still like to sign that log sheet, and so do my kids.  Please don't spoil the fun by not taking care of what you started.  Hiding a good geocache is as fun as making the find, I mean I love to get the notes like I did the other day from a Wal-Mart Shopper.  Hew was at the lovely "Black Friday" event with his wife, and he found my Wally pole.  I was proud to know that it gave him something to do while he waited on his wife to fight the masses!

A well maintained Geocache can keep people entertained for a log time, and make lots of smiles.  Even if you had one out there a while you could always go back and make it a little more difficult by using a new container, or one that is more interesting to find. 

Please remember to keep your commitment to the goecaching community by keeping proper maintenance on your geocache!  God Bless and Happy Hunting!

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