Monday, November 14, 2011

Documenting your find in pictures

 No matter what it is that you find, or where it is that you find it noting can explain the rush of the first find that got you hooked!  We can all look over the ones that we have had and find the stories that goes behind the find. 

I always recommend that you take your camera to capture the moments of each find.  I always like looking back over the picture that are posted on the web site.  I love to see the locations involve. 

I hope that when you go even if is your first time, that you take pictures.  I love to publish pictures from finds.  I am not so into putting my own ugly mug for all to see, but I am up for sharing the finds that I have made.  I can get as excited by looking over a picture, as if I had found it myself.  I can't speak for any other geocacher, but I can say I loved to see the finds and feel the rush for the finder.

Take lots of pictures on your ventures!  It makes it easier to share with the muggles what it is we do and why.  When I was first introduced, I remember seeing some of the pictures and saying "that looks cool"! It was sort of the selling point on giving geocaching the first try.  After the pictures caught my interest, I went on line and starting reading everything that I could to learn more.  I remember the first time that I found all of the videos on YouTube!  I was amazed to see the documentation that came with the sport!  Who wouldn't want to give it a try right?

To all of you who share your finds....I say thank you!  Remember any day out geocaching is a way to get exercise without doing push-ups....hunt well and take pictures!

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