Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Gps, the Geocacher and the preacher!

There was this geocacher that was walking through the woods on one of his hardest geocaches to date.  He cautiously looked at his GPS unit trying to pinpoint the location to the tee.  He waked further and further into the wilderness as it grew darker from the gigantic trees overhead, he began to notice that his batteries were fading fast. 

"Lord I have come such a long way to find this geocache I haven't been the first to find anything ever, and as you know I really want to be the first to sign this one.  If if you can find a way, please help me before my batteries die!  PLEASE lord."  said the geocacher.  No sooner did he say this than his GPS unit went dead.

"Lord I begged you, and I have not given up on you, please find a way to let me get to the geocache and be the First to find this one, as I have told you I have never been the first to find one."  said the geocacher.  A rustling noise came from the tree line to the side of the geocacher.  The Geocacher became very cautious and nervous, after-all he was a long way out in the woods.  A preacher came out of the woods holding a bible, and seemed to be really happy to see the geocacher.  "Well hello my friend!  I am the preacher at St. John's Christian Church and  I came this way because God told me that I was going to meet someone in this desolate woods!  Someone who was going to need my help."  said the  preacher.  The Geocacher replied "Preacher I just prayed that God would lead me to a geocache where I could sign the log as the first to find, as you see I have never been the first to find anything! 

The preacher was puzzled, he had never heard of a "Geocache" and scratched his head.  "What are you talking about?" he asked  "Well preacher a geocache is a hidden treasure the we put the longitude and latitude in our GPS units and we travel and look for a hidden treasures, and we sign the log that is inside to indicate that we found it.  Being the first to find is , "well forgive me preacher" is a rush as good as sex." 
"Wow" said the preacher, "that all sounds very interesting, but how am I going to help you?  I don't have a GPS unit to help, as my flock grows smaller by the week, I am all but poor, and I know that the lord will provide!" 

The Geocacher thought for a minute and asked the preacher "What kind of phone do you have?"  "Well my wife bought me one of those IPhones so I would not be technologically impaired." said the preacher.  "Great!!" yelled the Geocacher, "I can put what I need on your phone and I can help you out!  Let me borrow your phone."

The geocacher went straight to the apps store and locate the free geocaching intro app and installed it.  The app seemed to take forever to load, but it finally loaded.  The Geocacher clicked the app and the geocache showed up, he quickly pushed the "lets Go!" button, and there it was that song that lets you know that you are close!  Pushing the compass button next he eagerly looked at the arrow to see how far he was.  "20 FEET!"  He and the preacher walked the 20 feet an searched all around, and the geocacher found it!  What a beautiful ammo can it was!  He handed the phone back to the preacher and said "We did it Preacher!"

Opening the ammo can he found it to be full of treasures, one of which was a first to find 5 dollar bill!  "Preacher for your troubles, and to help your church, I want you to take this money and put it into the collection plate on behalf of my geocaching club!  My family and I have been looking for a good church, so because you helped me in the woods, we will come there on Sunday, and I am going to invite my club as well!"  The preacher was amazed at this, and said "WOW!  This trip was really a gift from GOD!  I was able to help you, you helped me amazing!" 

There was a rustling in the woods nearby, sounding like wild animals running through the woods!  The Preacher and the Geocacher hid behind a tree just in time to see about 15 people run out of the treeline towards them, all intently focused on their GPS units.  The all came to a stop when the noticed the ammo can was already opened.  "Awe man!  Someone else got here first!"  The preacher and the Geocacher came out from behind the tree replacing the log to the ammo can.  the 15 other looked envious as the preacher and the geocacher walked out of the woods.

"Preacher, you have inspired me to make a cache in your honor!" said the goecacher.  "How is that?" asked the Preacher.  "I will show you on Sunday at church!"  said the geocacher.  The Preacher being patient as he was know that stranger things had already happened shook the hand of the geocacher and headed to his car.

Sunday came and the Preacher stood outside the church inviting his flock inside.  He stood and wondered if he would ever see the Geocacher and his crew again.  About that time the preacher looked up and there was the geocacher and several strange cars pulling into the church parking.  It was the geocacher and the Geocaching club!

The Geocacher came to the preacher and said "Preacher I have made a geocache in you honor, and hopefully it will be helpful to the church as well!"  The preacher said "Where are you going to hide it?" asked the Preacher.  "Preacher I hid it last night!  I caught your wife here while you were gone to the store and introduced myself to her and she told me that you had told her the story.  I told her that I was here to hide a geocache in your honor and she led me in to do it."  said the geocacher.

All was quiet as the preacher thought about this.  Then the rumbling of engines grew louder and louder, until it sounded like a NASCAR event.  50 cars came to a screeching stop at the church and men, women and children all armed with GPS came running to the Preacher.  "Are we the first to find it?" they asked the preacher.  The preacher was shocked and did not know how to answer this.

The Geocacher spoke up and said "Today, all finds will be first to find, you have came to the right place.  If you want to log your first to find and collect your reward, go inside have a seat.  You will find the log in the hymnal on page 233.  To help get part two, sing the song out loud when the piano plays, you will find your clue in the song."  The visitors all went inside, and the preacher said "I don't understand!?"  "You will in time" said the geocacher.

Inside the visitors were all signing the first to find logs, as the preacher walked in.  The geocacher walked to the piano and told the preacher to watch carefully.  As the preacher  looked over his flock he smiled.  The pews were full for the first time in memory, and it was good.

The geocacher sat at the piano and began to play.  The visitors began to sing.  "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me, I ONCE WAS LOST BUT NOW I'M FOUND!"  The preacher understood!  It was a call to the woods where he found the geocacher!   When the service was over, the visitors took off as fast as they came.  The preacher looked around and did not see the geocacher or the members of his club.  The preacher's wife said "honey you need to go back to the woods and meet the goecachers now." 

The preacher arrived at the place that he first met the geocacher only to discover a huge pick-nick and a woods full of geocachers.  "Preacher I think that was a pretty cool idea to make each hymnal a first to find geocache, and it was cool to give this wonderful pick-nick as a first to find reward!!" exclaimed one of the other geocachers.  The preacher said "Today, you were the first to find many things, a geocache, a pick nick and most importantly....the beautiful things that GOD can do.  Your forever reward can be found each Sunday at the church.  A child asked "What is a forever reward?"  The preacher said "each week you come sign the log for a new clew, and in the end you will find Jesus.  Jesus will give you eternal life, and geocaching fields in heaven."                       The End.

When you go geocaching take time to bask in the the beauty that others are showing you, but most of all be thankful that GOD sent that person to take you to a place HE created, and gave you the strength to find it.  Pick up  any trash if you can in the area, cache in trash out!

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