Sunday, November 6, 2011

In an ugly world, the simplest things brings out beauty.


I have been very blessed with many things in life.  I can not make much of a complaint about anything.  I can brag about lots of things, especially my wonderful wife Stephanie.  She takes me for who I am, and just loves me right through it all.  I tend to do everything full throttle in life, and I can only imagine that I am a very difficult person at best.  Steph as I call her, just rolls right along with me.

Steph is by far the best part of me.  I can find anything that you hide really well, but if you sit it right in front of me, well lets just say I would miss it.  She finds all of my obvious geocache, and they end up being the coolest ones.  I lumber through the woods to find the most difficult ones, but she finds that little bunny at the book store.
In all my endeavors I never take much time to look around me to see things.  Always rushing around for the , next big thing, but my Steph, she makes me slow down and look.  When I get ready to give up, she kicks it in high gear and makes me dig in deeper and to not quit.  I have worked many jobs in my life, but none reward me as much as being a family man.
I didn't get out and take the big adventure that I had hoped I would this weekend.  I would have loved to cache away to the seven seas.  I took this weekend to really appriciate my wife.  She is my heart, my sould, my smile, my joy, my driving force, my spiritual guide, my true love and most of all my best friend.  I wanted to get things done around the house for her.
My youngest daughter Randi (age 5) spent the night with my mother last night.  She called me to come pick her up today.  I drove to mom's house and Randi was waiting at the door with a bag in her hand.  I said "what ya got kiddo?"  She smiled and said "I got you some geocache containers daddy!"  I was so happy to know my baby was thingking of our sport.  It warmed my heart to know how much she thought of me when she was gone.
I looked in the rearview mirror and could only smile.  Steph had made a little mini me!  My children all 6 of them, yes all 6, are my truest form of joy.  I hope to one day reward my wife with a job that we can do from home, or travel.  My beautiful wife Stephanie....I am a husband, father, helper, son, leader, amd a geocacher, and you are all that shines, all that is beautiful in this ugly world....I love you.

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