Tuesday, October 25, 2011

From the find to the smile

I had a small group of 4 kids, my little sister Nita and I all packed into my car out searching for treasures untold!  The day was nice and cool, the breeze blew gently across our faces.  As we got closer and closer to the spot that my GPS indicated was the spot were the treasure was hidden.  We all anticipated the find, our adrenalin was peaked! 
We all looked up and down the spot, sifting through the grass near the ball park fence. 

"I know this is the spot, we should be right on top of it!" I said.  "Did you check the recent logs before we stopped?"  Asked my sister Nita.  It hit me like a load of bricks, I forgot to check it out!  "Dang it!  I forgot to look!  Give me a second whine I check over the last 10 logs."  I said.

All movement stopped, no-one spoke.  I could feel the eyes of 5 people silently waiting to see what news I could offer of the hunt.  My IPhone was slow to load my information from my Geocaching.com app.  "Well the last 2 logs say that it has been muggled!"  I said hesitantly.  I hear the groans and sighs of all, as I broke the news.

The walk back to the car seemed to take forever, our energy spent on the hunt only to be let down by the muggle!  I told Nita "isn't it funny how quickly we got here and how excited we were before we knew it was gone?"  Nita only being introduced on this day said "yes, that is very odd.  You know I really don't like it when the cache is gone!" she proclaimed.  I could only laugh at the truth.

As we loaded the car it had became very evident that she was telling the truth.  I may be getting older, but the kids were all silent and very obviously disappointed.  We drove away in total silence, even the radio could not apologize with music for our let down.

I looked over my phone and found that we had another geocache about a half mile away.  I did not tell anyone where were were going, but I drove on to the next location and pulled over.  "What are we doing?" asked the kids.  "Well I found another one, do you all feel like looking?"  The doors flew open and out ran all of the kids, and Nita.  I walked along the fence looking diligently for the cache, but to no advail....then it happened.   Nita fished the cache out of a pipe and she smiled.  THE RUSH WAS BACK!!

We signed the log and Randi my 5 year old said something that I will remember well for a long time "Daddy I am not a good finder.  I don't get to find any."  Nita and I both moaned with the heart felt Ooooh!  What she said was the absolute truth!  We had found them all and kind of left her out.  Luckily there was another cache located about a quarter mile away on the old air base.

We loaded up and went to "Cold War Relic...The monument.  Our eyes trained on the model of the B-52 Bomber and we all looked it over except Randi.  We saw that she had gotten on her hands and knees and was looking under the bench.  The we hear the undeniable excitement of Randi  "DANG IT!!  I FOUND IT!! " She sat down on the bench and took the cover off of the cache looking for the log so she could sign it!  I snapped her picture above just as she took the cover off of the cache.

What we saw was the let down from the failed hunt to the smile that etches itself to our brain forever more.  Geocaching is an interesting hobby that makes memories and makes wonderful smiles.  Try introducing yourself and someone you know to geocaching.....the reward is priceless

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