Monday, October 24, 2011

Geocaching, the travel continues!

It was a slightly overcast day, not much unlike some of the dreary lazy days of fall from my past. I looked out the window towards the sky and gave a sigh, as I anticipated rain. I fumbled around the house trying to find something to do. My remote control needed batteries after flipping through the guide so many times.

I tossed the idea out to the kids, "hey girls, we don't have anything to do, and there is nothing on is there anything you want to do special?" I asked. " Daddy can we go geocaching today?" asked Randi my 5 year old. Of course being the geocaching addict that I am, I get instantly excited! "SURE WE CAN!" I excitedly proclaim.

I always try to introduce other people to the sport. It is one of those thing that you love so much, that you just want the world to enjoy with you. I thought it over, and decided to give my little sister Nita a call and invite her and my nephew Kyle.

I had previously introduced my nephew to the art of geocaching, so he was hooked. Nita is a good mommy, and loves her time with Kyle. She was a pretty easy sale to the trip. I load my car with my geocaching bag full of trades, logs, and new containers. I get my girls Bethanie age 10, Lyndsey age 7 and Randi my 5 year old loaded in the car, and off we go to get Nita and Kyle.

Nita having never experiencing the hunt was shocked when we made our first stop, as I gathered my iPhone, and GPS for the job. I get all ready to go look, but before I can get started good, I hear my nephew yell "I found it!!!!". The look on Nita's face was awesome! Wished I could have known that Kyle the geo hunter could have found it so fast, my camera would have been trained on her face.

The day progressed with several good finds, and a bond that was formed between, brother and sister, mother, son and a person and the art of the cache! In my world my family exists as an essential and very important part of my happiness! Geocaching is an enhancement that makes all of our hearts smile!!!

Remember to take a kid geocaching, it promotes wellness and activity!,

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