Friday, October 28, 2011

Is there a Doctor in the house?

I am one of those people that have to be armed with a destination when I travel.  I am NOT a really good sight seer.  If I know that I am going to see specific things, I have comfort, but if I do not know...well that is another story.   My wife says that I get to anxious for her, so she plans the itinerary for all our outings.

We went to another town to look around at things, and I began to get a little cautious feeling.  My wife tells me, "Hey Tony, are there any Geocache in the area?"  That is all the information I needed, I pulled out the phone and looked and SURE ENOUGH!!  I found several!!  I was like a kid in a candy store!  I dashed around town following the Geocache trails, until my wife had achieved HER goal.  I didn't have a care in the world.  

Finding all the cache in the area was so exciting to me, and my wife actally got into it as well.  I love to hunt, but most of all I love the places that this sport has taken me to.  Secretly I love the fact that it has taken away the anxiety I once had! 

To us the Geocachers we kind of know the exciting comfort that this sport brings to us.  I can not ever express the joy, and awe that I have experienced while playing.  For me the sight seeing part of any trip was almost painful.  Thanks to you my fellow Geocahers I get to see the most magnificent sights, and most beautiful things, without any discomfort. 

Maybe with this joyful sport I discovered, I can take my family to see the world!  Thanks to my fellow Geocahers that hide the cache.  I can see the world because of you.

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