Thursday, November 3, 2011

For the love of it all,

 (Left Zack  with his favorite find to date!  To the right Kyle the Geo hunter with his  first travel-bug)

There are many things that you can do in life that make memories.  I am talking about memories that last a life time.  We look back and what we can remember most is the looks on peoples faces when they find true joy.
I have always know that watching children smile is a special event.

One of my things is to introduce as many people as I can to Geocaching.  I was in the local dollar store, when one of the employees had asked me if I had done any hunting lately.  I had to think about it for a second, I wasn't too sure if it was geocaching or deer hunting (which I don't do).  I simply responded "No but I need to".  The cashier said she has been going and pointed to a co-worker. 

It hit me!  I got caught by the muggle workers at this store, and had to go into detail about it, explaining all I could!  The other worker that came up said "I take my kids every chance that I can.  We often go on weekend trips to different places and it really helps to break up the trip if we stop and go geocaching.  My kids love it so much!   I really love doing it to, thank you so much for showing us!"

I was really happy that this young lady and her family enjoyed hunting for geocache as much as I do.  It is for the love of it all that I share my passion for all things.  I am a D.A.R.E. Officer and I share my passion to do good with all my D.A.R.E. students, I share my passion for GOD and Jesus with all that will hear the gospel.  I share my passion for truth with all, and I share my passion with geocaching with every person that I can.
I share for the love of it all!   I enjoy teaching people new things, I enjoy the mind that GOD gave me, and I enjoy my favorite sport of all times Geocaching.  Please share your passion or geocaching, and incorporate another passion in with it, just for the love of it all.

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