Wednesday, October 26, 2011

How did I start Geocaching?

What I have found out about Geocachers is simple.  They are not fond of the "Muggle"!  In the truest form a geocacher will share their love of the sport with anyone that is willing to listen to the tales of the hunt.  However they tend to be reluctant to make themselves know outside of the geocaching loop. 

I remember when I first got introduced to the name Geocaching.  I was riding back from East St. Louis Illinois with a co-worker and in casual conversation he mentioned that he and his wife took these "side trips" to find the hidden treasures in geocaching.

I can remember thinking that he was NUTS!  I just listened, but when I got home I googled it, and was surprised to see what popped up.  I next went to Youtube and types in Geocaching, and totally in awe of the videos that I saw.  I remember one of the first ones was of a guy standing at a phone booth.  When the guy put the code in and the bottom dropped out....Hook, line and sinker!  I had to know more.  I sat through video after video and dang I had found something that looked really cool! 

I had to at least try it.  I looked up apps for the IPhone and found one called Geocaching was FREE!!  I loaded it up and looked up cache for the first time.  DANG IT MAN!  I had three less than a half mile from my house.  I figured what the heck, I went out.  The first one I looked for but found nothing, so I moved on to the next.  It is on a walking trail near my house, I walked up the levee and looked and then back down.  I did not see anything, and was beginning to feel like it was a waste of time, then I spotted it!  Right in plain view hidden in the to of a sign post!  I had walked by this a million times and never had a clue.

I took the pill bottle out and found the log, and was even more surprised to see how long this thing had been here!  There was no turning back now I was done.  I looked every time that I had a chance!  I just kept finding them, and was so surprised at some of the placed that I had never gave even a second thought to.  The beautiful things that I had for granted, or truthfully never even noticed.

I remember finding the web site for the first time, I was in heaven!  I built a free account and have never looked back.  I ended up buying the app for my IPhone and now am hooked.  I try to introduce new people as often as I can.  I have even kicked around the idea of making a geocaching club in our area. 

If you want to start, go to and look up Geocaching, watch and learn!  Then go to and start your free account to see if you are going to like it, buy a premium one if you LOVE IT!  Find your GPS devise and start hunting, weather it is your car GPS, a hand held or your smart phone.  For heavens sakes take lots of pictures, and send them to me so I can share them for you!  Send them to, I love to share geocaching and pictures.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to get started caching. Your love of the hunt and the treasures you find all sound so wonderful. What I love the most is the family togetherness it promotes. The pictures you post are priceless, the faces of the kids holding their caches, as well as the newbies you take with you.
