Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Cool Geocache!

Sometimes it is nice to go on a run, to raise your numbers up!  Everyone likes to do it from time to time.  I have learned to really appreciate the cool designs, the ones that  are not so obvious to find.  I went on a trip to Union City Tennessee once and found a really cool cammo container.  It wasn't something that I could find right off, as a matter of a fact there was 7 of us looking for the same one.  It was called "Woody (GC20DM5).

I had noticed that everyone was looking at the same spot. I had even looked there once, but the item so belonged where it was!  It doesn't get any better than finding that really good hide!  I really like to overlook some of the ones that I have because in my mind they really belong there in that very spot.  I like finding that one in my mind there is no possible way for it to be a geocache. 
Things laying around a property that look as if they were made into the environment!  Some of the pictures I have included are a few of the more crafty ones.  I have personally started to plan some of the more creative cache.  I can not wait to get mine built so that people can enjoy the finds, as well as the thought of the cache!!!! 

Just keep in mind as you embark on some of you future journeys, especially if you are new to the sport, leave NO rock unturned, NO pine cone over looked, NOR any sign not checked!  What you pass by may just be the thing that you are looking for!

One of the greatest parts of the sport is, trying to out-think the person that hid the geocache!  I mean don't make it impossible, but don't leave it sitting in plain view either (I actually have one hid in plain view).   

If you live in a small town, look it over and lure people to your town!  Place the bait out that pulls them in off of the highway, and lead them to points of interest in your town.  I really love the small town series too, it is a beautiful thing to bring someone into our small town and have them spend a day looking around...maybe one day they would return for a visit.

One of my challenges is to come up with a very creative themed cache!  Try to tell a story about something or someone, but do so in a very creative way.  Don't get me wrong, I love the Wally Pole series!  It seems I  always need to find a Wal-Mart for supplies!  However I want to know a story when I find one!  I want the spot to move me, so that I can feel the lesson and enjoy the trip.  For example I passed a hiking trail today, and thought to myself "how nice would a multi cache be in this area!" One with a story giving clues to step number two and three so for and so on! You should be creative in your endeavors and practice the "Ninja arts", make a creative cache, for ideas go to YouTube and look up geocaching for an idea today!

Peace be with you, happy hunting, and remember to thank a vet for the freedom you have to geocache as you wish.

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