Friday, November 11, 2011

Geocaching for the Beginner...what does it all mean?

Geocaching  101 class is in session!

On of the things that was suggested to me by my sister, is that I sort of go back and explain a few basics.  Some of my readers only read my blog, because they like me, not because they do what it is that I do.  I can remeber when I first started and it really can be frustration when you hear anyone talk about things that make no sense!  So my goal is to try to give a basic concept for what it is I am talking about, by explaining a few things to you my reader (muggles only here, vets you know what I am talking about!)

Here are some of the terms that you see me often use in my writtings! 

A non-geocacher. Based on "Muggle" from the Harry Potter series, which is a non-magical person. Usually this term is used after a non geocacher looks puzzled after befriending a geocacher searching for a cache, or when a non-geocacher accidentally finds a cache. Geomuggles are mostly harmless.

(Sorry President Bush you are the best visual example I have! Miss you buddy!)

Geocaching is a worldwide game of hiding and seeking treasure. A geocacher can place a geocache in the world, pinpoint its location using GPS technology and then share the geocache’s existence and location online. Anyone with a GPS unit can then try to locate the geocache.



 A container hidden that includes, at minimum,
a logbook for geocachers to sign.

Cache: A shortened version of the word geocache.


Using your GPS unit and/or written directions provided by NOAA's National Geodetic Survey (NGS), you can seek out NGS survey markers and other items that have been marked in the USA. See benchmark hunting for more details (



An EarthCache is a special place that people can visit to learn about a unique geoscience feature of our Earth. EarthCache pages include a set of educational notes along with cache coordinates. Visitors to EarthCaches can see how our planet has been shaped by geological processes, how we manage its resources and how scientists gather evidence to learn about the Earth. For more information about EarthCaches, visit ( 

Event Cache: An Event Cache is a gathering of local geocachers or geocaching organizations to discuss geocaching. The Event Cache page specifies a time for the event and provides coordinates to its location. After the event, the cache is archived.

Now after looking at all of deinitions, hopefully you can get a better feel for what I write in the future. I will try each time to add a new definition or two so you can better understand what it is we love to do. Remember geocaching makes memories, and takes you around the world!  It can lead you to those hidden treasures, that only someone local can show you!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks from your "Muggle" sister!! Someday I hope to join the 21st Century and get a GPS and begin caching too.
