Thursday, November 24, 2011


The holidays are upon us once again!  A time to be thankful for what we have and a time to share gifts with loved ones.  The rush of the Christmas hunt is on and so is the pressure!  Bill Mounting up, trying to figure out the perfect gifts for our loved ones!  Waiting in line, hiding the gifts, and then the wrapping that follows!  NO PRESSURE HERE!! 

Sometimes the stress of the holiday season can become very overbearing, and create way too much stress!  Just remember one GREAT stress reliever....GEOCACHING!  When the pressures of the holidays become too much, take a small break and go find that geocache!  What better gift to give to yourself than that perfect find!  Geocaching is one way to reduce the stress of the Holiday seasons, and it doesn't cost too much!  Keep in mind if you have a geocacher friend or family member, if you want to give the perfect gift, how about a membership to, a new GPS, a new war bag for stocking the trades, or a vacation to a state that they have not been able to hunt yet!

Nothing says I am thinking about you like a Premium membership to, or a brand new hand held GPS!  I have taken a small break from my daily post to get caught up on a few things, but I am back at it and have plenty of new things to offer in the future!  Just keep in mind the author would love to have a new hand-held GPS for Christmas too!

Back to work!  The holiday season has become a huge merchandising market, designed to lure in the almighty dollar.  We have successfully marketed Christmas, and took away from the true meaning of it.  While the stress level is blowing our minds this season we should take a break, and go out and look for the winter cache to keep our desires warm. With anything it is all too easy to loose interest on Geocaching.  It is by far on of the most fun things that you can do for yourself!  If you have lost interest, GET BACK OUT THERE!!!  If you haven't started hunting yet....WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?!?!?  Tis the season for giving, so give yourself a DAY to PLAY!

See you next time and GOD BLESS!!


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