Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What Is Geocaching?

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Geocaching an experience like no other!: The Lost Geocahce!

Geocaching an experience like no other!: The Lost Geocahce!: Loving the sport of Geocaching like I do, I really get disappointed when I make it to the location where a geocache used to be, only to di...

The Lost Geocahce!

Loving the sport of Geocaching like I do, I really get disappointed when I make it to the location where a geocache used to be, only to discover that it is gone.  I hate to look back over a few logs to see that it has been gone for a while too.

I remember reading the rules of the hide for the first time and seeing that this is a long term commitment between me and my geocache!  I try to think ahead, and make plans for a "surrogate" parent for my "away" geocache.  If I am not going to be there to take care of them, I try to find someone that can.  I don't ever want to get to the point that I have several entries over a period of time that tell me that something is wrong with my geocache, or that it is missing.  That would be an embarrassment to me and to the sport! 

If you take the time to make the hide, take the time to maintain it!  If it happens to be one that is away from home, find someone that will take care of it for you!  I am giving a blanket offer to anyone that hides one near me in the Missouri Bootheel, if you can't maintain it, let me know and I will adopt your hide! 

The fun is also finding the location, but I still like to sign that log sheet, and so do my kids.  Please don't spoil the fun by not taking care of what you started.  Hiding a good geocache is as fun as making the find, I mean I love to get the notes like I did the other day from a Wal-Mart Shopper.  Hew was at the lovely "Black Friday" event with his wife, and he found my Wally pole.  I was proud to know that it gave him something to do while he waited on his wife to fight the masses!

A well maintained Geocache can keep people entertained for a log time, and make lots of smiles.  Even if you had one out there a while you could always go back and make it a little more difficult by using a new container, or one that is more interesting to find. 

Please remember to keep your commitment to the goecaching community by keeping proper maintenance on your geocache!  God Bless and Happy Hunting!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Geocaching an experience like no other!: THE HOLIDAY RUSH RELIEVER!!

Geocaching an experience like no other!: THE HOLIDAY RUSH RELIEVER!!: The holidays are upon us once again! A time to be thankful for what we have and a time to share gifts with loved ones. The rush of the C...


The holidays are upon us once again!  A time to be thankful for what we have and a time to share gifts with loved ones.  The rush of the Christmas hunt is on and so is the pressure!  Bill Mounting up, trying to figure out the perfect gifts for our loved ones!  Waiting in line, hiding the gifts, and then the wrapping that follows!  NO PRESSURE HERE!! 

Sometimes the stress of the holiday season can become very overbearing, and create way too much stress!  Just remember one GREAT stress reliever....GEOCACHING!  When the pressures of the holidays become too much, take a small break and go find that geocache!  What better gift to give to yourself than that perfect find!  Geocaching is one way to reduce the stress of the Holiday seasons, and it doesn't cost too much!  Keep in mind if you have a geocacher friend or family member, if you want to give the perfect gift, how about a membership to Geocaching.com, a new GPS, a new war bag for stocking the trades, or a vacation to a state that they have not been able to hunt yet!

Nothing says I am thinking about you like a Premium membership to Geocaching.com, or a brand new hand held GPS!  I have taken a small break from my daily post to get caught up on a few things, but I am back at it and have plenty of new things to offer in the future!  Just keep in mind the author would love to have a new hand-held GPS for Christmas too!

Back to work!  The holiday season has become a huge merchandising market, designed to lure in the almighty dollar.  We have successfully marketed Christmas, and took away from the true meaning of it.  While the stress level is blowing our minds this season we should take a break, and go out and look for the winter cache to keep our desires warm. With anything it is all too easy to loose interest on Geocaching.  It is by far on of the most fun things that you can do for yourself!  If you have lost interest, GET BACK OUT THERE!!!  If you haven't started hunting yet....WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?!?!?  Tis the season for giving, so give yourself a DAY to PLAY!

See you next time and GOD BLESS!!


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Geocaching an experience like no other!: Leaving your mark on a Geocache

Geocaching an experience like no other!: Leaving your mark on a Geocache: Finding that micro container with the log only is exciting! There is no doubt any day that you can geocache is a good day! My kids all lov...

Leaving your mark on a Geocache

Finding that micro container with the log only is exciting!  There is no doubt any day that you can geocache is a good day!  My kids all love the ammo can geocache and the trades that they can make. Sometimes the trades get better from my kids than they had in them. 

I have learned to love finding the unexpected trinkets!  Below for my muggle readers is a list of the hidden treasures for us to find!

Geocoins work similarly to Groundspeak Travel Bugs in that they are trackable and can travel the world, picking up stories from geocache to geocache. Geocoins are often created as signature items by geocachers and can also be used as collectibles.


A hitchhiker is an item that is placed in a cache, and has instructions to travel to other caches. Sometimes they have logbooks attached so you can log their travels. A Travel bug is an example of a hitchhiker.  It can be anything that you want to send and others are willing to pick up, to take somewhere you have chosen. 

A Pathtag is a single-sided custom metal tag about the size and weight of a U.S. Quarter or a one Euro coin. The precise dimension of Pathtags are 23mm in diameter and 2.0mm thick. Pathtags are made from a solid iron base and are plated in a protective colored plating of either silver, gold, copper, or black nickel.
Pathtags are not typically traveling items such as Geocoins or Travel Bugs. They are generally used as personal "signature items" for Geocaching or other trade item. If found, simply log it and the tag's profile will display for you to view. Unless the profile says otherwise, you are welcome to add it into your permanent collection.
There are Pathtags accessories, like the Pathtag Sherpa Geocoin, which turn the Pathtag into a traveling item. In these cases, they are intended to stay with the coin or travel bug to which they are affixed and should be moved along like another traveler.    I have also noticed that people are selling pathtags on EBay! 

Travel Bug:

A Groundspeak Travel Bug is a trackable tag that you attach to an item. This allows you to track your item on Geocaching.com. The item becomes a hitchhiker that is carried from cache to cache (or person to person) in the real world and you can follow its progress online. 

All of the above are just fun things to stumble on, and make the sport more interesting and fun.  Remember to Geocache often and have tons of fun....oh yes, don't forget the family and the pictures!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Geocaching an experience like no other!: The Talent in Creating the Perfect Geocache!

Geocaching an experience like no other!: The Talent in Creating the Perfect Geocache!: I have vested a lot of time in talking about the good geocache containers and the great cammo hides that we occasionally run into. Today I ...

The Talent in Creating the Perfect Geocache!

I have vested a lot of time in talking about the good geocache containers and the great cammo hides that we occasionally run into.  Today I am going to show you a few that caught my attention.  There is nothing like being able to walk away a champion in the find over some of these babies!  As you can tell some of these will have you scratching you head for a while! 

 The designers of these should be proud!  They are what the sport is about!  I have built a lab to design and create the creative cache!  No matter what I look at I am always thinking of how I can use something to make a good geocache!  I Buy Mini Altoids and can't even really stand them, because the little cans are cool!

As I do more studying I see lots of possibilities for my future creations!  I smile at the talent that goes into the containers!  WOW it takes a lot do planning, but when you are able to walk away with one of these finds you walk away happy and proud! 

With all the gloating that has been said, when you do find one of these very creative Geocache, you should put effort into the log book and on the Geocaching.com web site, thanking the owner for the hunt you had.  It does sort of bum you out to get a simple TFTC (thanks for the Cache for my muggle readers) on the log!  Take your time, there is no race to fill it out, make the person want to hide more!

We all like to feel accomplished in the things that we do, and we are Geocachers,  we enjoy the work of others!  Let's make each other feel good and give praise where it is due, after all if it was all easy it would not be near as fun now wood it? 

Remember to go geocaching often, takes lots of pictures, make good log entries, hide lots, and make memories for others!  For Heavens sakes take a muggle geocaching, a muggled mine is a terrible thing, and we can all cure Muggle Mind! 

Happy Hunting!  Next issue we will cover, Path tags, geocoins, travel bugs and ammo cans!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Geocaching an experience like no other!: Documenting your find in pictures

Geocaching an experience like no other!: Documenting your find in pictures: No matter what it is that you find, or where it is that you find it noting can explain the rush of the first find that got you hooked! We ...

Documenting your find in pictures

 No matter what it is that you find, or where it is that you find it noting can explain the rush of the first find that got you hooked!  We can all look over the ones that we have had and find the stories that goes behind the find. 

I always recommend that you take your camera to capture the moments of each find.  I always like looking back over the picture that are posted on the geocaching.com web site.  I love to see the locations involve. 

I hope that when you go even if is your first time, that you take pictures.  I love to publish pictures from finds.  I am not so into putting my own ugly mug for all to see, but I am up for sharing the finds that I have made.  I can get as excited by looking over a picture, as if I had found it myself.  I can't speak for any other geocacher, but I can say I loved to see the finds and feel the rush for the finder.

Take lots of pictures on your ventures!  It makes it easier to share with the muggles what it is we do and why.  When I was first introduced, I remember seeing some of the pictures and saying "that looks cool"! It was sort of the selling point on giving geocaching the first try.  After the pictures caught my interest, I went on line and starting reading everything that I could to learn more.  I remember the first time that I found all of the videos on YouTube!  I was amazed to see the documentation that came with the sport!  Who wouldn't want to give it a try right?

To all of you who share your finds....I say thank you!  Remember any day out geocaching is a way to get exercise without doing push-ups....hunt well and take pictures!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Geocaching an experience like no other!: The Cool Geocache!

Geocaching an experience like no other!: The Cool Geocache!: Sometimes it is nice to go on a run, to raise your numbers up! Everyone likes to do it from time to time. I have learned to really appreci...

The Cool Geocache!

Sometimes it is nice to go on a run, to raise your numbers up!  Everyone likes to do it from time to time.  I have learned to really appreciate the cool designs, the ones that  are not so obvious to find.  I went on a trip to Union City Tennessee once and found a really cool cammo container.  It wasn't something that I could find right off, as a matter of a fact there was 7 of us looking for the same one.  It was called "Woody (GC20DM5).

I had noticed that everyone was looking at the same spot. I had even looked there once, but the item so belonged where it was!  It doesn't get any better than finding that really good hide!  I really like to overlook some of the ones that I have because in my mind they really belong there in that very spot.  I like finding that one in my mind there is no possible way for it to be a geocache. 
Things laying around a property that look as if they were made into the environment!  Some of the pictures I have included are a few of the more crafty ones.  I have personally started to plan some of the more creative cache.  I can not wait to get mine built so that people can enjoy the finds, as well as the thought of the cache!!!! 

Just keep in mind as you embark on some of you future journeys, especially if you are new to the sport, leave NO rock unturned, NO pine cone over looked, NOR any sign not checked!  What you pass by may just be the thing that you are looking for!

One of the greatest parts of the sport is, trying to out-think the person that hid the geocache!  I mean don't make it impossible, but don't leave it sitting in plain view either (I actually have one hid in plain view).   

If you live in a small town, look it over and lure people to your town!  Place the bait out that pulls them in off of the highway, and lead them to points of interest in your town.  I really love the small town series too, it is a beautiful thing to bring someone into our small town and have them spend a day looking around...maybe one day they would return for a visit.

One of my challenges is to come up with a very creative themed cache!  Try to tell a story about something or someone, but do so in a very creative way.  Don't get me wrong, I love the Wally Pole series!  It seems I  always need to find a Wal-Mart for supplies!  However I want to know a story when I find one!  I want the spot to move me, so that I can feel the lesson and enjoy the trip.  For example I passed a hiking trail today, and thought to myself "how nice would a multi cache be in this area!" One with a story giving clues to step number two and three so for and so on! You should be creative in your endeavors and practice the "Ninja arts", make a creative cache, for ideas go to YouTube and look up geocaching for an idea today!

Peace be with you, happy hunting, and remember to thank a vet for the freedom you have to geocache as you wish.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Geocaching an experience like no other!: Geocaching for the Beginner...what does it all mea...

Geocaching an experience like no other!: Geocaching for the Beginner...what does it all mea...: Geocaching 101 class is in session! On of the things that was suggested to me by my sister, is that I sort of go back and explain a few b...

Geocaching for the Beginner...what does it all mean?

Geocaching  101 class is in session!

On of the things that was suggested to me by my sister, is that I sort of go back and explain a few basics.  Some of my readers only read my blog, because they like me, not because they do what it is that I do.  I can remeber when I first started and it really can be frustration when you hear anyone talk about things that make no sense!  So my goal is to try to give a basic concept for what it is I am talking about, by explaining a few things to you my reader (muggles only here, vets you know what I am talking about!)

Here are some of the terms that you see me often use in my writtings! 

A non-geocacher. Based on "Muggle" from the Harry Potter series, which is a non-magical person. Usually this term is used after a non geocacher looks puzzled after befriending a geocacher searching for a cache, or when a non-geocacher accidentally finds a cache. Geomuggles are mostly harmless.

(Sorry President Bush you are the best visual example I have! Miss you buddy!)

Geocaching is a worldwide game of hiding and seeking treasure. A geocacher can place a geocache in the world, pinpoint its location using GPS technology and then share the geocache’s existence and location online. Anyone with a GPS unit can then try to locate the geocache.



 A container hidden that includes, at minimum,
a logbook for geocachers to sign.

Cache: A shortened version of the word geocache.


Using your GPS unit and/or written directions provided by NOAA's National Geodetic Survey (NGS), you can seek out NGS survey markers and other items that have been marked in the USA. See benchmark hunting for more details (http://www.geocaching.com/).



An EarthCache is a special place that people can visit to learn about a unique geoscience feature of our Earth. EarthCache pages include a set of educational notes along with cache coordinates. Visitors to EarthCaches can see how our planet has been shaped by geological processes, how we manage its resources and how scientists gather evidence to learn about the Earth. For more information about EarthCaches, visit (http://www.earthcache.org/.) 

Event Cache: An Event Cache is a gathering of local geocachers or geocaching organizations to discuss geocaching. The Event Cache page specifies a time for the event and provides coordinates to its location. After the event, the cache is archived.

Now after looking at all of deinitions, hopefully you can get a better feel for what I write in the future. I will try each time to add a new definition or two so you can better understand what it is we love to do. Remember geocaching makes memories, and takes you around the world!  It can lead you to those hidden treasures, that only someone local can show you!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Geocaching an experience like no other!: Making memories and collecting WOW's

Geocaching an experience like no other!: Making memories and collecting WOW's: Geocaching in itself is a very memorable sport. One of the nicest things about it, I would have to sat is the thought that most p...

Making memories and collecting WOW's


Geocaching in itself is a very memorable sport.  One of the nicest things about it, I would have to say is the thought that most people actually put into their hides.  I really like to go to places and look at something of value.  The hidden treasure can also be the place that you end up.  I really like looking for the well though and planned hide, but in addition to that I like going to a place that gives me that wow factor!

Years ago I worked for Dyer County Sheriff's office in Dyersburg Tennessee.  I traveled the county over so many time I can not or would not even guess to count,  but I had never noticed a covered bridge (located in Trimble TN) before I became a geocacher.  The Ermersion E.Parks Cover Bridge (GCNA17 ), is one of those that caught me by suprise!  I had been in this area a million times and had never noticed this bridge.  It was really cool to know that it is one of only three covered bridges in the state of Tennessee!  When I looked at the bridge all I could do is stare in amazement.  What a WOW factor!

I always have and always will appriciate a spot of wonder and beauty.  I remember when I steeped into the area with this covered bridege, I said to my wife "I parked my car just up the road, and never paid attentio to that bridge!"  As you can tell in the above pictures, it is wonderful!

I also went to another geocache called Lookee Yonder (GC30QQQ), located in Samburg TN, near Reelfoot Lake.  The lake itself is a wonderful beautiful piece of history!  I have been traveling to this place since I was a child.  I come to the flea market often and enjoy the really amazing craft fair that comes every year!  I have NEVER noticed this place before Geocaching brought me here.  It isn't a really big park, as a matter of a fact it is quite tiny, but the view of it is definitely a huge WOW!
The Economy is really bad, things are tough all over, but my WOW's are maxed out, and I have made some memories, that I am just itching to share with you.  I have no spoilers in my pictures, but I do have some amazing memories, and some dang good wows!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Geocaching an experience like no other!: Nothing is what it appears to a geocacher!

Geocaching an experience like no other!: Nothing is what it appears to a geocacher!: Once there was a much simpler time, a time when you could take things at face value. A time when a rock was really a rock, that a...

Nothing is what it appears to a geocacher!


Once there was a much simpler time, a time when you could take things at face value.  A time when a rock was really a rock, that all changed thanks to GEOCACHING!  The above geocache is one available on eBay for sale, as a cache by Kevin.  It just goes to show you at the level of creativity that is given to geocaching.  There is nothing in this world that can describe the rush you get from finding one that was "hid well".

I am often asked about my geocaching post, and what geocaching really is.  I can explain it all day long, and it may sound really "stupid"....to a muggle.  There is no way to describe what it is I feel when I go to a strange place and look for the proverbial needle in a hay stack.  That adrenaline flow when you find that hide, the excitement.  The ones that use the urban camouflage are the ones that interest me the most.  I really like having to use all the descriptions availible and the clue, as well as the occasional picture to find the cache.

I remember a time not so long ago, that I could walk in an area without kicking in the geocaching app on my IPhone, but those days are long over.  I regularly walk with my family now, something that NEVER happened in the past.   On our walks we go past several geocache that I have found in my early adventures.  I find my self looking around for muggles, and if there are none I like to look back and see who else new has came.

Some people that get into the "Ninja Art" do not log on the GEOCACHING.COM web site and use other forms to locate the geocache, therefore it doesn't always reflect an accurate count on line.  It is always cool for me to find a new name or the occasional path tag, or even a travel bug.  Please keep in mind as a novice geocacher, that you probably should start off with the free basic account on geocaching.com, and work you way up to the membership.

For you cachers that follow me, you will understand this far better than our muggle friends that do not.  I want you to really think about this before you answer!  When you pass a place that you found a cache, don't you think that it's funny, that you now look at that place remembering the find you had there?  I apparently have caused a few of my readers to start the art, and easily get blamed for being hooked.  Keep in mind this is what happened to me thanks to Jerry Hudgens and a federal prisoner transoprt trip to East St. Louis Illinois.  (see earlier blogs on how I began).

I want to start a geocaching society if you will.  I want our goals to be themed geocache, and the hard to find rush getters that make you smile so hard that yu face almost rips with excitement!  I want to do a rememberance series, (for a couple friends) a mosonic/eastern star series, an awareness series, and seasonal themes.  If  you have any other ideas please e-mail me, post on comments, or however you can find me.

I have a challenge for every reader!  If you are a Geocacher find a muggle and convert them!  If you are a muggle and follow because you like me, are related to me, or someone suggested this blog as a precursor to sleep, grab a geocacher and make them show you what it is this is all about!  What you will find out is the world will never be the same again!  Nothing is what it appears to be, and as you will see in a couple of pictures at the end, you have seen them, but you did not lnow what you saw!



Monday, November 7, 2011

Geocaching an experience like no other!: Geocaching helps cure couch potato syndrome

Geocaching an experience like no other!: Geocaching helps cure couch potato syndrome: I once went to a seminar in Branson Missouri where the guest speaker was Lt. Col. Dave Grossman. He is an amazing speaker, and will scare t...

Geocaching helps cure couch potato syndrome

I once went to a seminar in Branson Missouri where the guest speaker was Lt. Col. Dave Grossman.  He is an amazing speaker, and will scare the fire out of you all at the same time.  He had a lot of opinions about the use of Game consoles in a house with children.  It seemed that the only viable link on major school violence was in fact the game console.

I had the opportunity to speak to him about on particular book he wrote called
"Stop Teaching Our Kids To Kill", it was a very powerful message.  I actually own an autographed copy of it.  I read it intently, and was really amazed at the statistics listed.  I had to consider what all was said.  Lt. Col. Grossman had made this book as his "call to action against, TV, Movie and Video Game Violence". 

I sat and though of the content of what he was saying in the book and looked back at my own parenting skills.  I really felt bad about the whole mess, I was just as guilty of having the electronic baby sitter.  I looked at my children and realized, that I was making a new bread of couch potato in my own home!  I can recite every episode of most all the programming on Nickelodeon! 

A year had passed since I went to the Seminar, and I swore that I was going to do better.  I gave in to reality TV!  I am a sucker for it all.  I got to fall back into the routine of doing the same thing over and over again.  I had really became the big slacker again, and my children fell into the habits again.

I was looking for a book to take into the man cave (bathroom), and stumbled across Lt. Col. Groomsman's book again.  Flipping through the pages made me remember my fear again.  Once again I had to evaluate my own true skills as a parent.  My daughter Lyndsey was trying to watch TV one day and came to me.  She said "Daddy you know this is Noggin's Big Wide Day of Play day."  I said "it is!  How do you know?"   She said "it is on my TV."  So I got up and went and looked at her TV, and sure enough it was!

I turned off the TV in the living room and we got up and went out to go geocaching.  we spent most all day outside, and we had such a wonderful time while doing it.  The sun was shining, the wind was perfect, and the smiles were being delt like a fine poker hand.

In retrospect I see that geocaching had in effect taken my children and I off of the couch and put us back outside.  I looked to Geocaching as the presciption for a couch potato, a cure to an old ailment.  No TV, No video games, me, the kids and the world.

If you or someone you love suffer from couch potato syndrome, GO GEOCACHING!  I guarantee results the same day you go.  Have a wonderful time, and hide new cache this week in memory of someone you love.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Geocaching an experience like no other!: In an ugly world, the simplest things brings out b...

Geocaching an experience like no other!: In an ugly world, the simplest things brings out b...: I have been very blessed with many things in life. I can not make much of a complaint about anything. I can brag about lots of things, ...

In an ugly world, the simplest things brings out beauty.


I have been very blessed with many things in life.  I can not make much of a complaint about anything.  I can brag about lots of things, especially my wonderful wife Stephanie.  She takes me for who I am, and just loves me right through it all.  I tend to do everything full throttle in life, and I can only imagine that I am a very difficult person at best.  Steph as I call her, just rolls right along with me.

Steph is by far the best part of me.  I can find anything that you hide really well, but if you sit it right in front of me, well lets just say I would miss it.  She finds all of my obvious geocache, and they end up being the coolest ones.  I lumber through the woods to find the most difficult ones, but she finds that little bunny at the book store.
In all my endeavors I never take much time to look around me to see things.  Always rushing around for the , next big thing, but my Steph, she makes me slow down and look.  When I get ready to give up, she kicks it in high gear and makes me dig in deeper and to not quit.  I have worked many jobs in my life, but none reward me as much as being a family man.
I didn't get out and take the big adventure that I had hoped I would this weekend.  I would have loved to cache away to the seven seas.  I took this weekend to really appriciate my wife.  She is my heart, my sould, my smile, my joy, my driving force, my spiritual guide, my true love and most of all my best friend.  I wanted to get things done around the house for her.
My youngest daughter Randi (age 5) spent the night with my mother last night.  She called me to come pick her up today.  I drove to mom's house and Randi was waiting at the door with a bag in her hand.  I said "what ya got kiddo?"  She smiled and said "I got you some geocache containers daddy!"  I was so happy to know my baby was thingking of our sport.  It warmed my heart to know how much she thought of me when she was gone.
I looked in the rearview mirror and could only smile.  Steph had made a little mini me!  My children all 6 of them, yes all 6, are my truest form of joy.  I hope to one day reward my wife with a job that we can do from home, or travel.  My beautiful wife Stephanie....I am a husband, father, helper, son, leader, amd a geocacher, and you are all that shines, all that is beautiful in this ugly world....I love you.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Geocaching an experience like no other!: The Gps, the Geocacher and the preacher!

Geocaching an experience like no other!: The Gps, the Geocacher and the preacher!: There was this geocacher that was walking through the woods on one of his hardest geocaches to date. He cautiously looked at his ...

The Gps, the Geocacher and the preacher!

There was this geocacher that was walking through the woods on one of his hardest geocaches to date.  He cautiously looked at his GPS unit trying to pinpoint the location to the tee.  He waked further and further into the wilderness as it grew darker from the gigantic trees overhead, he began to notice that his batteries were fading fast. 

"Lord I have come such a long way to find this geocache I haven't been the first to find anything ever, and as you know I really want to be the first to sign this one.  If if you can find a way, please help me before my batteries die!  PLEASE lord."  said the geocacher.  No sooner did he say this than his GPS unit went dead.

"Lord I begged you, and I have not given up on you, please find a way to let me get to the geocache and be the First to find this one, as I have told you I have never been the first to find one."  said the geocacher.  A rustling noise came from the tree line to the side of the geocacher.  The Geocacher became very cautious and nervous, after-all he was a long way out in the woods.  A preacher came out of the woods holding a bible, and seemed to be really happy to see the geocacher.  "Well hello my friend!  I am the preacher at St. John's Christian Church and  I came this way because God told me that I was going to meet someone in this desolate woods!  Someone who was going to need my help."  said the  preacher.  The Geocacher replied "Preacher I just prayed that God would lead me to a geocache where I could sign the log as the first to find, as you see I have never been the first to find anything! 

The preacher was puzzled, he had never heard of a "Geocache" and scratched his head.  "What are you talking about?" he asked  "Well preacher a geocache is a hidden treasure the we put the longitude and latitude in our GPS units and we travel and look for a hidden treasures, and we sign the log that is inside to indicate that we found it.  Being the first to find is , "well forgive me preacher" is a rush as good as sex." 
"Wow" said the preacher, "that all sounds very interesting, but how am I going to help you?  I don't have a GPS unit to help, as my flock grows smaller by the week, I am all but poor, and I know that the lord will provide!" 

The Geocacher thought for a minute and asked the preacher "What kind of phone do you have?"  "Well my wife bought me one of those IPhones so I would not be technologically impaired." said the preacher.  "Great!!" yelled the Geocacher, "I can put what I need on your phone and I can help you out!  Let me borrow your phone."

The geocacher went straight to the apps store and locate the free geocaching intro app and installed it.  The app seemed to take forever to load, but it finally loaded.  The Geocacher clicked the app and the geocache showed up, he quickly pushed the "lets Go!" button, and there it was that song that lets you know that you are close!  Pushing the compass button next he eagerly looked at the arrow to see how far he was.  "20 FEET!"  He and the preacher walked the 20 feet an searched all around, and the geocacher found it!  What a beautiful ammo can it was!  He handed the phone back to the preacher and said "We did it Preacher!"

Opening the ammo can he found it to be full of treasures, one of which was a first to find 5 dollar bill!  "Preacher for your troubles, and to help your church, I want you to take this money and put it into the collection plate on behalf of my geocaching club!  My family and I have been looking for a good church, so because you helped me in the woods, we will come there on Sunday, and I am going to invite my club as well!"  The preacher was amazed at this, and said "WOW!  This trip was really a gift from GOD!  I was able to help you, you helped me amazing!" 

There was a rustling in the woods nearby, sounding like wild animals running through the woods!  The Preacher and the Geocacher hid behind a tree just in time to see about 15 people run out of the treeline towards them, all intently focused on their GPS units.  The all came to a stop when the noticed the ammo can was already opened.  "Awe man!  Someone else got here first!"  The preacher and the Geocacher came out from behind the tree replacing the log to the ammo can.  the 15 other looked envious as the preacher and the geocacher walked out of the woods.

"Preacher, you have inspired me to make a cache in your honor!" said the goecacher.  "How is that?" asked the Preacher.  "I will show you on Sunday at church!"  said the geocacher.  The Preacher being patient as he was know that stranger things had already happened shook the hand of the geocacher and headed to his car.

Sunday came and the Preacher stood outside the church inviting his flock inside.  He stood and wondered if he would ever see the Geocacher and his crew again.  About that time the preacher looked up and there was the geocacher and several strange cars pulling into the church parking.  It was the geocacher and the Geocaching club!

The Geocacher came to the preacher and said "Preacher I have made a geocache in you honor, and hopefully it will be helpful to the church as well!"  The preacher said "Where are you going to hide it?" asked the Preacher.  "Preacher I hid it last night!  I caught your wife here while you were gone to the store and introduced myself to her and she told me that you had told her the story.  I told her that I was here to hide a geocache in your honor and she led me in to do it."  said the geocacher.

All was quiet as the preacher thought about this.  Then the rumbling of engines grew louder and louder, until it sounded like a NASCAR event.  50 cars came to a screeching stop at the church and men, women and children all armed with GPS came running to the Preacher.  "Are we the first to find it?" they asked the preacher.  The preacher was shocked and did not know how to answer this.

The Geocacher spoke up and said "Today, all finds will be first to find, you have came to the right place.  If you want to log your first to find and collect your reward, go inside have a seat.  You will find the log in the hymnal on page 233.  To help get part two, sing the song out loud when the piano plays, you will find your clue in the song."  The visitors all went inside, and the preacher said "I don't understand!?"  "You will in time" said the geocacher.

Inside the visitors were all signing the first to find logs, as the preacher walked in.  The geocacher walked to the piano and told the preacher to watch carefully.  As the preacher  looked over his flock he smiled.  The pews were full for the first time in memory, and it was good.

The geocacher sat at the piano and began to play.  The visitors began to sing.  "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me, I ONCE WAS LOST BUT NOW I'M FOUND!"  The preacher understood!  It was a call to the woods where he found the geocacher!   When the service was over, the visitors took off as fast as they came.  The preacher looked around and did not see the geocacher or the members of his club.  The preacher's wife said "honey you need to go back to the woods and meet the goecachers now." 

The preacher arrived at the place that he first met the geocacher only to discover a huge pick-nick and a woods full of geocachers.  "Preacher I think that was a pretty cool idea to make each hymnal a first to find geocache, and it was cool to give this wonderful pick-nick as a first to find reward!!" exclaimed one of the other geocachers.  The preacher said "Today, you were the first to find many things, a geocache, a pick nick and most importantly....the beautiful things that GOD can do.  Your forever reward can be found each Sunday at the church.  A child asked "What is a forever reward?"  The preacher said "each week you come sign the log for a new clew, and in the end you will find Jesus.  Jesus will give you eternal life, and geocaching fields in heaven."                       The End.

When you go geocaching take time to bask in the the beauty that others are showing you, but most of all be thankful that GOD sent that person to take you to a place HE created, and gave you the strength to find it.  Pick up  any trash if you can in the area, cache in trash out!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Geocaching an experience like no other!: For the love of it all,

Geocaching an experience like no other!: For the love of it all,: (Left Zack with his favorite find to date! To the right Kyle the Geo hunter with his first travel-bug) There are many things ...

For the love of it all,

 (Left Zack  with his favorite find to date!  To the right Kyle the Geo hunter with his  first travel-bug)

There are many things that you can do in life that make memories.  I am talking about memories that last a life time.  We look back and what we can remember most is the looks on peoples faces when they find true joy.
I have always know that watching children smile is a special event.

One of my things is to introduce as many people as I can to Geocaching.  I was in the local dollar store, when one of the employees had asked me if I had done any hunting lately.  I had to think about it for a second, I wasn't too sure if it was geocaching or deer hunting (which I don't do).  I simply responded "No but I need to".  The cashier said she has been going and pointed to a co-worker. 

It hit me!  I got caught by the muggle workers at this store, and had to go into detail about it, explaining all I could!  The other worker that came up said "I take my kids every chance that I can.  We often go on weekend trips to different places and it really helps to break up the trip if we stop and go geocaching.  My kids love it so much!   I really love doing it to, thank you so much for showing us!"

I was really happy that this young lady and her family enjoyed hunting for geocache as much as I do.  It is for the love of it all that I share my passion for all things.  I am a D.A.R.E. Officer and I share my passion to do good with all my D.A.R.E. students, I share my passion for GOD and Jesus with all that will hear the gospel.  I share my passion for truth with all, and I share my passion with geocaching with every person that I can.
I share for the love of it all!   I enjoy teaching people new things, I enjoy the mind that GOD gave me, and I enjoy my favorite sport of all times Geocaching.  Please share your passion or geocaching, and incorporate another passion in with it, just for the love of it all.